Creator: Purington, C. W., Honoured Secretary

Title: Minutes of 11th Meeting, 1917, July, 5th, American Committee of Engineers in London

3 pages. American Committee of Engineers in London, Minutes of 11th Meeting held on the 5th July, 1917. page 1 of 3

Boyle, Joe, 1867-1923

Pages: 1 2, 3

The Len Taylor Collection; Published with permission from the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland, Deputy Keeper of Records and Mr. James Boyle of Ballymena. D1943/1/1

Text: AMERICAN COMMITTEE OF ENGINEERS IN LONDON MINUTES 11th MEETING, 5th July, 1917 Present:- Messrs. Hoirn Messrs. Humbert Jr. Tweedy Gay Smith Cautloy Poland Shalor Sheldon Hodgetts Mackay Clarke Titcomb Purington Lawson Hooper (1) Secretary read letter frora Major Bolling of the U.S. Army, acknowledging receipt of a second copy of Plan No. 9 (new type of aeroplane wing) Major Bolling stated that he was handing a copy of the report to Commander Westervelt U.S. Navy, and Captain Clarke, U.S. Army, the two techincal experts of his party who were best informed on such matters. Secretary also read letter to Major Bolling thanking him on behalf of the Committee for the interest taken In the project. (2) Secretary read letters from: Mr. H.E. Coffin, Chief of Aircraft Construction, (Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defence) in which Mr. Coffin as-sures the Committee that the Council greatly appreciate the offer of co-operation and washes to convey this to the Committee from Mr. C. McDermid, Secretary of the Institution of Lining and Metallurgy thanking the Committee for election to membership; from Bradley Stoughton, Secretary o the American Institute of Mining Engineers dated June 13th stating that the offer of this Committee to assist American is highly appreciated; from W. Ingalls Editor of the Engineering and Mining Journal, and from Messrs. E. Rickard and W.L. Honnold thank-ing the Committee for placing them on its list of Consulting. Members. (3) Secretary was instructed by the Committee to prepare a Card Index of all members and their qualifications for ready reference by the Committee at its meet-ings, and also a printed list of members to be circulated.. Also to initiate an enquiry through the medium of the Associated Press, Tech- other sources with a view to establishing a Card Index of all the Americans speaking Russian who have had technical and business training in that country . This file will be a record available to the various engineering Corn-mittees both in the U.S. and England for aid in securing technical men for war ser-vice in Russia. (4) Secretary stated that he had written two letters to the Hon. Secretary of the American Red Cross, Mr. Boylston Beal, 40 Grosvenor Gardens, S.W.L. , in which he offered on behalf of the Committee co-operation and willingness of this Committee to assist the Sub-Comittees of the American Red Cross, especially under the headings of Supplies, Transportation and Shipping. At- the suggestion of Sheldon, who is also a member of the Executive Comittee of the American Red. Cross, the Committee decided to suspend further action in this matter until the American Red Cross is more fully organised in this country. This (regards)
